8 steps to my life...

...if you want to be in my life, pls read these 8 steps to my life:

First of all, you have to listen me. If you don't listen, it can be work ever!

Secound step is very simple: you have to earn my friendship! Like you can be very kind... You can be very nice and listen me... etc.

3rd step: Try to learn something about me, like my favourite things and all about my family and friends.

4th step: Play with me! That means that you have to do something with me! Otherwise I am not interesting in you!

5th step: Be my best friend! It means that you have to trust me and I have to trust you. Don't lie to me or be angry to me and don't EVER tease me!!!

6th step: Be my hero! If someone tease me, pls help me and you will be my hero!

7th step: Give me a gift! When I have birthday, pls buy me something nice! That can be anything, I like all gifts! :)

8th step: This is the last step to my life! And it is: Be yourself! Don't lie to me who really are you. And if you are nice person, I will be your friend and I will be your best friend! :)

That's all! =)

Have a nice day!