I am looking at my laptop. There's nothing to see, only text what I wrote. That text was for you because I wrote it to you. You can't read it yet because it is surprise for you. Maybe I will show it to you later, maybe not.
Time to move on. There's something to see now. I look at picture. It's beautiful and funny. It is picture of my honey. He is smiling to me. His eyes are cute and very blue. He is the sweetist thing what I know! I love him. <3

This laptop isn't interesting anymore so let's move on to my room. I look around in my room and I saw many interesting things. There's lot of mess but still I like it. Not too clean, not too messy, just ok. :)
In my desk I see some books what are still waiting for me and they want that I read them... Yes I will read them, later... :)
There's some written words in some white paper and they might be poems or plans for my new short story. I can see also my old mobile phone, it isn't work anymore but it is still there.
I saw camera, guitar, more books... CD's, DVD's.... etc...
There are still more stuff what I can't say because it's too hard in English but you can only image them! =)